Shiloh Baptist Association of NJ The Shiloh Baptist Association of NJ was organized in 1958 at the Community Baptist Church of Englewood, NJ. A delegation of pastors led by the Rev Dr. A.M. Tyler sought to bring reform to the North Jersey District Missionary Baptist Association of NJ. When their agenda for reform was dismissed, these pastors and their congregations from Bergen, Essex, Hudson and Passaic Counties . The Association meets twice per year and hosts a variety of events to provide fellowship and instruction for the member congregations. |
United Missionary Baptist Convention of NJ, Inc.
The United Missionary Baptist Convention of NJ, Inc. was officially organized on Friday, January 11, 2016. The organizational meeting was called and convened by the Rev. Dr. Perry Simmons, Jr., Pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church of Newark, NJ. The meeting held at the Abyssinian Church. The call to organize came as a result of the Christian Fellowship Baptist Association Organization of NJ choosing to withdraw from the General Baptist Convention of NJ, Inc. These two district associations, churches connected with other district associations, and churches with no prior affiliation "united" to organize a new statewide Baptist entity wherein they could work together, equip local churches, be a source of advocacy and continue affiliation and membership with other national Baptist bodies (the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., and the Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention). At the organizational meeting 46 churches were present and/or represented. A complete slate of officers for all departments was elected. |
American Baptist Convention of NJ
The American Baptist Churches of New Jersey (ABCNJ), founded in 1830 under its original name of the New Jersey Baptist Convention, has 285 member churches and approximately 70,000 members. Our oldest congregation has been in continuous existence since 1688. ABCNJ is one of thirty-four regions of the American Baptist Churches USA and a member of the New Jersey Council of Churches. The annual budget of the organization is approximately $1,400,000, with Camp Lebanon’s budget representing approximately 30% of the total. Financial audits are prepared annually. |
Star of Hope Ministries
Star of Hope serves the UNDER-SERVED in Greater Paterson in a number of ways but principally and most notably through its Member Network, a partnership of churches and organizations committed to serving the poor. Originally called the Church and Community Resource Center, the SOHM Member Network was launched in 1995. Seeing the extraordinary work being done in Paterson neighborhoods through local churches and community organizations, many with limited resource, and a few with little access to training, Star of Hope desired to come alongside to serve. That’s how the Member Network was born. For the past 19 years Star of Hope has provided material and educational resources and tools, consultation and networking opportunities for churches to meet a variety of needs. |
The Beulah Grove Community Development Corporation, also known as Beulah Grove CDC is a nonprofit 501 © (3) community based organization located in Newark, New Jersey. Beulah Grove CDC was established in July of 2014 by the Beulah Grove Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev. Cedric J. McKoy to serve as a vehicle for economic and community development in Newark and all of Essex County. Beulah Grove CDC seeks to: Develop partnerships with public and private entities to improve the quality of life for residents Develop programs and provide services to address the wide scope of socio-economic needs of residents Develop programs that enhance the educational opportunities for the youth in the community. If you would like more information about Beulah Grove CDC and or make donation please fill out the form below or contact [email protected] |